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Are you a leader who feels there must be more to your actions and work? Do you feel you want more meaning and purpose behind your profession as that leader, and not only doing and keeping your head above the water?

I started my business a few years ago, knowing I was here to create energetic changes and transformations within entrepreneurs and leaders who felt they were meant for more.

Are you one of them?

How are you keeping up your good work?

I still help leaders transform their performance and business. However, since I started this journey, I’ve dived deeper into understanding my clients’ challenges through the lens of Human Design. Only making changes on the surface won’t create lasting results, and it won’t create fulfillment within you.

What’s the point of doing business if it doesn’t make you feel good and creates the impact you so deeply want?

The whole energetics within doing business is changing rapidly. The new currency will turn more and more away from money, wealth, success, and status and toward well-being and true prosperity.

So what is true prosperity, and how can it be achieved through your new frequency of leadership?

YOU are the Key.

Never has it been more important to look within, to your true gifts, to your unique way of expressing yourself, to shine your light, than now.

Your energetics needs to align with who you truly are, not as you are conditioned to be.

We want authenticity.

We want truth in such a time as this.

Our future evolution depends on it.

Let me ask you, who are you without your job, without your family and friends? Who are you really?

Human Design teaches us what we need to master to cultivate our maturity, our purpose, and wisdom.

I’ve painfully learned how devastating it is to hold myself back from the full expression of who I am and how trying to be something I’m not, only creates more struggle and pain in every area of my life.

I’ve also painfully learned how spending my energy completely out of alignment with who I truly am led me to burnout after burnout.

When I learned about Human Design, I felt deeply seen for the first time in my life and found a language to put words on how I felt, and by that could finally see myself and my work in the world through a completely new lens. I could point directly to every pain point in my life. I learned to shift perspective and rewrite my story, which was uplifting and empowering, rather than being held back and controlled by my conditioning and past trial-and-error life.

I learned to love myself again, to give compassion and understanding. I could accept and embrace myself. I could permit myself to live the life I was meant to live.

This is crucial in order to be an impactful leader. How can anyone truly be there for others without loving and caring for themselves first? And I'm not talking about that selfish love. I'm talking about giving from an abundant overflow of unconditional love from our hearts, which starts within each of us first before we're able to give.

I can’t describe how deeply this process shifted everything. It was like I could fly again. Free to live, free to make the impact I was meant to make, free to be me. No more leading from a wounded place.

When we realize that our conditioning is holding us back from soaring, and not outer circumstances, other people, or our past, transformation can happen on a deeper level.

It is time to make a change.

It is time to move away from the old way of thinking about leadership.

It is time to step into the You that follow the energetic blueprint that always wants to create flow and abundance.

It is time to embrace who you truly are.

That’s why I now open up for deep inquiry with you, for you to step fully into the role as the future leader, impacting people for all the good reasons, and creating your legacy.

The more you as an entrepreneur and leader can understand yourself, why you do what you do in the way you do it, how your energetic frequency best works, and what steps you can take to better align with your true nature, to be the best leader, to reach out more impactful with your message, to create more fulfillment and meaningful results, the greater legacy you leave for future generations to come.

We have a responsibility.

This is not a course. It's a beautiful interaction to activate your hidden power.

This is you creating your future.

This is you creating the impact you were born to make.

Let it count.

I’m here to hold that space for you and guide you toward your true prosperity.

If that sounds like something you would know more about and feel it’s time to take that quantum leap, I’m here.

Please answer this question in reply to me:

What do you think are the three greatest challenges holding leaders back from entering the new era of their leadership?

If you feel called to work with me, you are welcome to apply from this application form:

With love and gratitude


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Updated: Apr 5, 2023

There are some key elements that are important to improve in order to achieve the success you want as a female entrepreneur and leader.

Your self-image, your beliefs and your fears.

These three subconscious activities can ruin too much for you if you are not willing to work on yourself. If you get to the point where you are working against yourself, chances are that you will not take the necessary steps consistently enough to guarantee the price of your dreams either.

If you are serious about what you want to achieve, you will find solutions and the strength in yourself to achieve any goal. You need to keep the energy level high to achieve exactly the results you dream of, and the first part in that process is to make a clear decision.

My awakening journey started that day on the cold floor. I felt like a fallen angel, my self-image and self-belief was crushed. I couldn’t believe how badly things had gone.

My decision came when I lay there. I needed to change. Change myself, change my attitude and change my life. I couldn’t live like this anymore. I had created too much pain already in both mine and other's lives.

When you put a decision out there, know that it’s already done for you. I know it can be hard to understand and accept, so for now, just bear with me.

With each decision we make, there will always be increased confidence, and that confidence is going to take you to your next level. You will be filled with an urge to do something, to do more and to be more of your true essence. And only by doing will your confidence grow even more. All you have to do is to have faith and take inspired action toward your prefered outcome, one step at a time, even if you have no idea where it’s going to take you.

At the moment it didn’t feel like a huge decision, it was simply a need from within.

A non-negotiable need. It went out to be one of the most important decisions of my life.

I knew I was going to create another dream business again, and I knew that this time it would be completely based on my values and about helping others pursue theirs.

My journey at becoming a better version of myself was already in creation that day. All that happened, everything I had gone through, happened to prepare me for my bigger mission. I had ignored the feeling of something’s missing for so long. I had ignored the feeling of not living a fulfilled life.

My time had come, and in my ignorance it came completely out of the blue.

Accepting the situation and changing the things we can change, is a really good start. At that moment, I was determined that nothing would ever be more important than my own well-being. This time I was going to build my business around my life, not the other way around as it used to be. And the beauty is that decisions give you the information necessary to set your inner guidance, your internal GPS device on where you want to go.

We have to “cut ourselves off” from our previous path or directions to make room for the modifications and improvements necessary to attract what we really want to accomplish in life.

If you can see that every person who has come into your life, that every situation that has arisen, by any matter or means, was placed there as a gift for you, allowing you to experience who you truly are, allowing you to fulfill your grandest notion of who you really are, you will experience life at a completely different level.

I couldn’t see that back then. But I knew I needed a change. So I started a complete reversal. I started to crush all the false beliefs that had taken place in me, and cleaned away everything that unconsciously had grown in the wrong direction. That was far from an easy process, it’s like you take everything you’ve ever known into consideration and simply push the delete button.

There was no going back. I had made the decision. Period.

The power of decision is amazing—it puts you into motion! More importantly, it puts your higher source in motion.

So when you know what you’re trying to do, your next action arises spontaneously inside you. When you are clear on what you want, what you are trying to do and most importantly; why you’re doing it, magic starts happening.

I wanted to build a new and strong foundation. This was obviously not done overnight and I am still in a constant learning process. But everything started to work out so beautifully.

When life is put into perspective and we become aware of our values ​​and our needs, everything seems to find its place. Over the years I have collected many experiences, I have failed, and therefore also learned even more! I feel incredibly privileged having a whole treasure chest of mental tools with me on the journey. They have been an invaluable help to me, and now I want the same for you!

My competence when I started my first business was like zero. But I was willing to learn, to take a bet and go all in! I made a decision. I was determined. Passion for what you do means everything if you want to succeed.

What is important to know is that there is no such thing as a right or wrong decision, so don’t be afraid to put out your decision. Use every moment you have to make extraordinary decisions, to express more, be more, do more and experience more of who you truly are.

But if you lack commitment, enthusiasm and willpower, all adversity becomes incredibly heavy, you struggle, do firefighting and never get where you truly want.

That is not how building a business should be. It should be fun and rewarding! When that is in place, you will have a driving force in you to surpass everything, and your magnetic personality will spread to your entire business!

If you truly want to be successful in your business, kill passivity, uncertainty and inability at making decisions and taking action. You must know what you want and you must work purposefully towards it.

The more experience we gain, the more our beliefs are confirmed, which we often base our decisions on. That goes both ways. Many people find it difficult to set big goals in life, because their beliefs indicate that it is not realistic, so they avoid taking any clear decision. If your decision isn’t clear, there is really no decision. That’s also why you’re not able to take inspired actions. Failure to follow-through on a decision lowers credibility and motivation.

You may have set yourself a goal several times that you failed to achieve? I sure did!

And it was just as frustrating every time, right?

But it's actually not that hard! Although these responses in the brain are well-rehearsed information channels, they can break out and create new paths.

The exciting part is that by taking this first action—making a decision—you put a higher source into motion towards accomplishing your goals. One thing is abundantly clear, without first making the first decision, nothing happens.

It will take a significant change, a commitment, a good dose of self-discipline and a lot of healthy and inspirational action steps, so for those of you who really want to, the road is open.

Remember that nothing is cast in stone. New information and changing conditions require changes in positions all the time, and being flexible in decision making is critical to long term success. Start small and follow-through with whatever is decided.

This will build confidence and integrity.

Take the decision - GO for it!

Then decide to keep your word. Make it non-negotiable.

That’s the way you attract the very best life for you!

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In the words of motivational speaker Les Brown;

"You don't have to be great to get started, but you do have to get started to be great.”

Where do you start to transform your business from mediocre to great?

Below are your top 7 essential ingredients for cultivating greatness within your own business:

1. KNOW WHAT YOUR BUSINESS STANDS FOR AND LIVE THOSE VALUES. More than ever, today, customers don’t just ask, “what products do you offer?” They also ask, “what values do you stand for?” What values does your business stand for? What practices have you developed to live those values daily? 2. KNOW YOUR COMPELLING "WHY." Viktor Frankl, the great Austrian psychiatrist, said it best: “Success, like happiness, cannot be pursued; it must ensue ... as the unintended side effect of one’s personal dedication to a cause greater than oneself.” For what “transcendent” purpose does your business exist? How does your business make a difference in your customers’ lives? 3. ALWAYS SEEK THE EDGE. In 1954, Roger Bannister did the seemingly “impossible” and ran the first 4-minute mile. When asked how he did it, he said, “It's the ability to take more out of yourself than you've got.'" How can you “take more out of yourself than you’ve got” to achieve the seemingly impossible in your business? 4. DARE TO BE DIFFERENT. Contrarians are the change agents in the business world. These wealth-building businesses are not simply “executing better” -- they’re radically changing the rules of the success game in their field or industry. Where in your business can you break the rules? How can you set yourself apart from the crowd in your industry? 5. FIND MODELS OF GREATNESS. Within every industry, every geography, and every career path, there are examples of greatness everywhere. Find those people, those businesses that inspire you the most. What is it about them you would like to emulate? What changes can you make today to be like them? 6. KNOW THE END IN MIND. Great businesses **decide** their future. They are not dictated by it. They know exactly where they want to be, by when, and how, and then persist in getting there. What decisions have you made about your business future? What do you need to decide differently in order to have a great outcome? 7. COMMIT TO PERSONAL GREATNESS. Your business is a direct reflection of where you are at. It only grows as quickly as you do. To build a great business, you must commit to your own personal greatness. How do you define personal greatness for yourself? What changes can you make to unleash your own greatness?

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